4 - Valhalla Rising
The world is stranger than I ever thought. Mr. Friend provided me with a data dump over the last few days. Hundreds of documents, images, audio files, and video clips. I'm still trying to pick my way through everything. The following document identifies another threat the United States - and the world - faces. The nature of this threat seems ludicrous; however, I'm beginning to realize that the true history of the world is made up of the bizarre and ludicrous.
I'll start with the most obvious thing: the Fourth Reich. Taken literally - which I have to, based on how the information is presented - this means the US government was engaged in a war involving nuclear weapons with remnants of Nazi Germany in the 1980s. This seems, quite frankly, insane. It reads like the ravings of a fringe conspiracy theorist. Only, in this case, it is the US government talking about Antarctic Nazis.
In the aftermath of World War Two, there were covert organizations to assist Nazis fleeing Europe for friendly places. The most infamous was ODESSA, the Organisation der Ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen. ODESSA helped around 10,000 Nazis make their way to South America in the years following World War Two. There were also rumors of German plans to continue the war, even if Berlin fell. Some, such as the Alpine Fortress, were never executed. Others, like Project Werwolf - a plan for insurgent operations behind Allied lines - were put in motion, but had no effect. In the case of Werwolf, most Germans were not interested in fighting for a collapsing regime.
What these examples do show, however, is that the Nazis were looking at survival beyond the end of the war. Could this urge to survive the fall of Berlin and the death of Hitler extend as far as a secret base half way around the world?
A few items referenced in the report require some explanation. While I can't be certain, ELEMENT OXCART may refer to a version of the Lockheed A-12. This predecessor of the famous SR-71 spy plane was code named Oxcart. One variation of this aircraft was the YF-12, a high-speed, high altitude interceptor. Is this a version of that aircraft? The missile that was used, the AIM-54D, does not officially exist. The AIM-54 Phoenix missile was used by the US Navy, but only in two variants, the A and C models. These versions never mounted a nuclear warhead. ADTAC stands for Air Defense, Tactical Air Command, a United States Air force unit responsible for North American air defense between 1979 and 1985. I couldn't find a specific reference to 'JIC.' Based on the usual style of military acronyms, it could stand for Joint Information Center, Joint Intelligence Command or some variation of these.
A few things can be learned from the structure and wording of document. The fact that this a standard form for encounters with Nazis (Valhalla), aliens (Viper), whatever Deadbolt is, as well as a few other code names that I have not encountered yet is indicative of how normal such incidents are. With the exception of Valhalla, each code name has a first word - i.e., Viper, Deadbolt, Frame - and a space for a second word. Each of these categories refers to multiple types of aliens or whatever else is lurking beneath what we think of as the normal world. What is a 'T-Index?' This is purely a guess, but it could be related to thaumaturgy; i.e., magic. Thaumaturgry was mentioned in the Shadow Garden establishing document. While this sounds like a reference to Dungeons and Dragons, we live in a world with Nazi bases in the Antarctic.
Rumors of Nazi holdouts in the Antarctic began immediately after World War Two. The Germans had claimed a large section of the continent - Neuschwabenland - prior to World War Two. There were concerns that the Germans may have set up a submarine resupply base on the coast. Conventional history tells us those fears were unfounded. Over the years, conspiracy theorists continued to speculate about secret Nazi bases, German flying saucers, and related topics. Fringe theorists have long said that Admiral Richard Byrd's Operation Highjump (1946-1947), a large-scale scientific and military mission to the southern continent, was secretly an anti-Nazi military mission. What if all this is true? We are moving into a world in which consensus history may be wrong.
A map of Neuschwabenland from a 1941 German Atlas.
The Valhalla Thor is clearly some sort of air vehicle. Could it be the fabled Nazi flying saucer? The Luftwaffe worked on highly advanced aircraft designs during the war, but rumors of a saucer-shaped aircraft, perhaps using some exotic method of propulsion, have always been just that; rumors. Could there be some truth to them? The Germans were working on x-ray weapons, to be used as a directed EMP (electromagnetic pulse) against aircraft. With decades of development, this could make for a potent air-to-air weapon system. Valhalla Thule is apparently a base of some sort. It is also a reference to the Thule Society, a German occult group from the early twentieth century. While the Thule Society was dissolved before Hitler came to power (1930), a number of high-ranking Nazi Party officials - including Rudolf Hess - appear to have been members. Among other things, they believed that a 'pure' Aryan race emerged from a lost continent (Thule) in the Atlantic. I assume that whoever decided on this code name for the Fourth Reich base was referring to this group. Or, perhaps Thule was real? At this point, I'm not willing to reject any theory.
What to make of all this? We have a standard report form for air encounters with Nazis and extraterrestrials. We have secret US planes engaging Nazi aircraft armed with energy weapons and flying at almost Mach 5. The US is using nuclear weapons; not only that, they are being used without Presidential authorization, as part of some per-established rules of engagement. There are secret bases in the Antarctic, some operated by the Fourth Reich, others by the United States (Igloo Seven). Not only that, but it appears that this remnant of the Nazi Germany has been able to hold off the United States, at least until the 1980s.
Unfortunately, while this report tells us a lot, it doesn't tell us enough. We have no idea how extensive Valhalla's operations are - note the comment that they are expanding into an area they had not been seen in before. The use of nuclear weapons - even low-yield - must be detectable by other nations. The USSR had the capacity to detect nuclear air detonations. The fact that at the height of the Cold War, the use of nuclear weapons did not lead to an international incident, must mean that, at the very least, they were aware of what was happening. It could mean a secret alliance between the US and the USSR, one that transcended the Cold War.
Hopefully, more information will surface in the future information transfers.