The Shadow Garden is a multi-media novel. A journalist is contacted by a trusted source in the Intelligence Community with a bizarre story. A secret ogranization buried deep within the US government, nicknamed the Shadow Garden, has knowledge of aliens, monsters and magic. They've been fighting a covert war to keep the country safe for decades. Now, members of the Shadow Garden want the truth to come out.

Chapter Index

1 - The Establishment
2 - Varsity Team
3 - Viper Sapphire and Secret Wars
4 - Valhalla Rising
5 - Thaumaturgy: Magic or Science?
6 - The Kecksburg Incident
7 - A House Guest in Toledo
9 - A War Within A War
10 - Doc Holiday
11 - Operation Nullify
12 - Red Barricades
13 - Alfa 9
14 - Frame Sepulcher
15 - Tsar Bomba
16 - The Vela Incident